Summer's here and what a fine time for Pixel & Bristle to debut their show this weekend! I'll be there with my darling Showcard Mini proof press and setting up the Letterpress Postcard Printing station. I'll be equipped with some sweet Pixel & Bristle plates and wood type for you to print with! Come and say hi and check out the rest of the wonderful typographic goods this market will have to offer!
I'm happy to say that the Printing Station is back and will be posted at the lovely SOUVENIR studios this Saturday February 13th, just in time for Valentine's Day. If you're keen on a little DIY, come into the shop between 12:30pm-3:30pm to print a little love note with pre-designed plates on the mini Showcard flatbed press. Each print is $5 and you have a choice between using one or two colours. Swing by SOUVENIR and get your print on. There will also be fresh bouquets, baked goods, and other swell things in the shop that you can pick up for your loved ones or to keep for yourself). It'll be a good time!
Hi friends! The Tabletop Letterpress Workshop turns 6 years old and I'm having a special giveaway! Head on over to the Instagram account @snap_and_tumble for the details! Good luck!
Souvenir's latest concept pop up shop for Spring is opening tonight! They'll be bringing you a mix of new and vintage treasures, with some exclusive new work from their favourite designers and some new and exciting pieces from their latest group of collaborators. Snap + Tumble starburst cards will be there too for your correspondence and stationery needs! Project Gallery 1109 Queen St. East THURS 06:00-11:00pm FRI 11:00-08:00pm SAT 11:00-07:00pm SUN 11:00-05:00pm
When the open call came from UPPERCASE publication (a beautiful Canadian quarterly print magazine) for printmakers to submit some samples to be included in issue #25, I didn't hesitate to put my name in the hat! Editor and designer of UPPERCASE, Janine Vangool, always maintains a level of stellar work and an eye for beauty in her magazine. I feel lucky to have gotten in on the list of Profiles in Printmaking and couldn't have been happier printing 50 or so paper bag samples and tucking in a greeting card into each one for subscribers. Here's a throwback to the last time I contributed to the open call for letterpress artists in issue #8!